

Take One

Exam 77-891 Office 365
2. Communicate by using Office 365 Outlook Web Application
2.5  Configure Outlook Web Application Options: Outlook Updates


Review the Contact Online
5. Try It: Review the Contact Online
Go to Office 365 online.
Go to Contacts->My Contacts.
Select a Contact: Glen Glick

What Do You See? The Contact Card has been updated with the new image for Glen Glick.

Admit it-that was really fun.

The Computer Mama Sez: I was less than impressed with the tools in the online version of Microsoft Outlook. In particular, the Contacts did not have any pictures nor could I find a way to add a picture online. <sigh>

However, look at how the last exercise worked. The picture was added to the Contact on the desktop. It was immediately added online, too.

Another Way to Think About Office 365:
The desktop applications are best for producing rich, detailed documents. The Office 365 Web Apps are good for using, or "consuming" that wonderful detail online.


Contacts->My Contacts

